Glow In The Dark Gun Sight Combo
What is in this combo:
50ml of Glow-in-the-dark Paint and 10g of Glow-in-the-dark Powder. You can try both and see which you prefer. The total combo will do a large number of gun sights but you will find many uses for any paint or powder that you have left over.
The paint option:
The paint we supply should be painted onto a primed, white surface. Buy a water based metal primer and apply it first. Then apply a good quality white acrylic water-based paint over the metal primer and paint two coats of the supplied Glow-in-the-dark Paint over it. Remember that paint is not made to be applied thick hence 2 or even 3 coats of glow-in-the-dark paint should be used. If you want a small container of good quality white acrylic paint then you can buy our White Arts and Crafts Paint, 100ml. We do not manufacture metal primers so you will have to get this from your local hardware store.
The powder option:
Buy a clear glue in a tube such as Clear Bostik. Onto a non-porous surface, like a piece of glass or floor tile tile, squeeze out a small blob of glue. Right next to it make a small pile of the glow-in-the-dark powder the same size as the blob of glue and immediately mix them together well. Apply the mix to the gun site and shape as required.