50 Cal Pepper Balls
R120.00 Incl. Vat
50 Cal Pepper Balls
Self Defense rounds are filled with a less-lethal powdered pepper spray that bursts on impact, effectively immobilizing your attacker or target causing temporary blindness, difficulty breathing and severe disorientation.
Each round contains high levels of capsicum and other enhancing agents “secret formula” that primarily affects the eyes, causing closure and severe pain and loss of breath.
When an attacker is hit with a .50cal Pepper ball the body’s reaction is immediate. The eyes shut automatically, causing temporary blindness, and you will be unable to see. The mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes and respiratory airways react defensively to the capsicum burn, producing tears, a running nose, saliva and coughing as the irritated cells in the airways and lungs try to rid themselves of the chemicals.
Rubbing tends to spread it around, even more, worsening the burning effect as it further penetrates the skin.
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